Saturday, May 9, 2009

UF-Mashup #2: P2P CONTEST "A plane yellow burger"

"Let's complete Anders's project" is a P2P contest aimed to complete Anders Simonsen's research on mass culture, consume, and decadence in post-socialist countries in Europe (see:

New topics will be created in the discussion board of the UF-Facebook. In this space you can copy/paste texts and links created by you or quotations from an available (for publishing) source. The pictures area available on GMap support for a closer look. The aim is to complete Anders's research.

This will be one of the first experiments in P2P media-art research. I hope you will be proud to take part on it and, therefore, invite other friend to do so. Once the series of pictures will be entirely published, UF-Community will evaluate democratically each proposal which, together with the pictures, will be published in the first issue of UF-Mag, available online as well as in paperback.

Cityleft - Openshare Urbanism

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