Sunday, April 20, 2008

revised project proposals, for discussion

Using the archipelago model, we can consider more
fluid, responsive connections that include localized
nodes, rather than over arching extra territorial
models. By understanding the Tallinn-Helsinki
connections in this way provides us with an
opportunity to consider other connections, as well as
contradictions within the dominant ordering. The shift
to these regional branding exercises open up certain
connections but also exclude others. Where are these
exclusions? Are these desirable? Can these be (or
should they) be maintained? Are there other, emergent
forms that can come from this? How else can this
region be understood? What dynamics would this entail?

-are there other narratives, ways of understanding
this cross-border region?

In contrast to larger regional development initiatives
that are top down, we will continue our exploration of
local actors positions on regional development
processes and implications.


We will create a mobile / flexible structure utilizing
well known elements from the alco-tourism phenomenon.
Alcohol crates stacked on push carts will be set up in
various configurations, dependant on the site and

Types of configuration

Table: suitable for dining (breakfast / dinner)

Kiosk / counter space:

Projection station / theatre seating


Interventions will be set up in zones of confluence
(local / regional actors) and transition (spatial

1. Park space between old town new town:

-intention: to engage with local actors about new
development patterns, and determine how regional
formation strategies play a role in this. (ex:
demographic shifts, different uses, regional
investment, uneven development)

activity: set up a border between old and new towns,
ask people their intentions in crossing over.

Questions about accessibility, what is missing, what
would they like?

Other idea: counter space

Intention: Set up kiosk, similar to tourist kiosks in
or around old town, sell stock that is not typically
found in this environment, but that could serve the
needs / desires of local inhabitants (ex: groceries,
general store, etc etc

Format: kiosk, individual discussion (have survey
online that invites people to suggest what they would
like us to stock)

2. field between harbor and old town

intention: engage with people crossing field.

There would be a display of the future scenario of the
harbor area. The participating public would be asked
to consider harbor development, and offer their
perspectives, considering current and future
projections of the space. Given current uses of
harbor, what do they see as desirable / undesirable?

Using metaphor of alcohol, have them write messages to
Finns / tallinners (to be deposited in mini bottles)
that will then be exchanged with others through the
course of the activity.

Ask about harbor development plans, what they would
like to see in this regard (drawing / mental mapping
idea) develop the tour / event around the information

3. uus maailm community

This space is currently experiencing
contestation between local desires and larger real
estate reconfigurations. This pattern is being similar
issues have been addressed by other groups, such as in
Finland, where after several years of protests, the
area was cleared to make way for larger scale
developments, such as the Chiasma building. By
bringing representatives from these two contexts
together for discussion, we can consider larger
regional implications of development, and whether
there are opportunities for regional strategies to
address these concerns.

Activity: (during day) tour of neighborhood, gaining
insight about housing and development patterns.

(evening) slide show / video screening onto abandoned
house in uus maailm district (currently waiting for
real estate to increase). Setting up a street theatre,
having people sit on the boxes on the street in
between. (pillows will also be provided). Afterwards
have discussion over drinks to follow in backyard
(either of house or otherwise)

Alternative ideas can be explored, depending on
clearance requirements

4. The dining

At the kiosk/ central point there would be
flyers/posters advertising the picnic of the
breakfast/dinner. Posters giving a specific time and
date and place of intervention, would be displayed.
The choice of participation is up to the public.

Intervention: at the designated time and place, there
would be coffee and snacks provided, If they choice to
join us. If not then they can organize their own.

The idea is also to have some kind of common feature
in these picnics as well. So even if are not present,
walking through the city one can see these picnics.

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