Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cross-Border Football

Topic: re-programming the in-between, interaction between different ethnical groups;

Purpose: making aware that a lot of private abandoned sites can be used public; enabling groups who do not normally interact to co-operate;

Location: abandoned area in front of the Admiral Basin, Harbour;

Audience: tourists, citizens

Timeframe: Sunday

Intervention: Making a football game with mixed groups of Finns, Russians, Estonians; For once they should play together instead against one another; Having a fixed time to begin; Drawing a football field into the wilderness; Announcing the game on Friday and Saturday to have participants; Mix the teams ethnically. Let’s play Heltal against Talsinki (we provide the shirts :-). Let’s play 6 against 6. If there are enough participants make a tournament.

Actors: Kollegues plus voluntary players

Material: chalk and a ball (perhaps use a water ball to minimize the risk of injury – speed on bad ground)


Expected outcome for us: having fun and a nice end of the event, conversations and new connections;

Expected impact: making people wonder, engaging alternative use of open space, engaging interaction between different ethnical groups;

Bad scenario: it’s raining; unable to get enough interested participants;

Plan B: playing in swimsuit;

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