Sunday, April 13, 2008


Topic: consumption patterns, customs

Purpose: making aware, showing people other parts of city

Location: harbour, in front of terminals

Audience: tourists Timeframe: Friday

Intervention: Using peoples ‘bad’ habits to show them the city. Distributing postcards with announcements. For example: pointing out the cheapest Alko-store in town – in Lasnamae or Mustamae; or the most authentic pub – in Kopli; Small talk about targets, customs, locations, ...

Actors: Kollegues plus voluntary participants

Material: postcards with advertisement, location, description of transport, mail address for responds;

Involve: Linalabor, Uus Maailm people to select places and research traffic connections; Linalabor, Uus Maailm people, voluntary workshop members to distribute;

Expected outcome for us: deeper research of tourist destinations; getting the one or other mail-feedback afterwards;

Expected impact: engaging a few to explore the city, making a few aware of their customs;

Bad scenario: being driven away by private mall security; having no impact at all and people are absolutely not interested;

Plan B: giving up and getting drunk ourselves;

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